Saturday, May 14, 2011

...And Then There Were Three!

That's right folks! Tyler and I are expecting our first child!! We are THRILLED! It's still very early in my pregnancy so thankfully I haven't been too sick - just really really tired! I feel like I have Mono all over again. But I'll take exhaustion over throwing up any day! *Knock on wood* I'm seriously hoping my morning sickness won't be too bad. Throwing up has to be one of the worst feelings in the world. But anything for my kid right? ;)

The first test I took was the type that had the lines: one for "Not Pregnant" and two for "Pregnant". I don't know about you but for someone who's wanting a definite answer this whole line business can be very misleading! The first time one of the lines was so faint I wasn't sure if it counted as a line or not. I retested again later that night and, although one of the lines was still really faint, there was no mistaking the results. Then, because I wanted to see it actually say "Pregnant", I took a digital one....I definitely prefer digital vs. the lines. No confusion with a digital readout. haha :)

This is a bad picture but there is definitely TWO lines :)

The digital test I took the next day
There's no mistake here: I'm pregnant!! :D

With me being pregnant and all, I figured now would be a good time to (finally) jump into the blogging world. I like to follow other people's blogs and have been told numerous times to start my own...but I've never had much interest. However, with a lot of our family living out of state I decided a blog would be the best way to keep everyone informed of the baby's progress. Hopefully I won't be too busy and will be able to keep this updated.

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